Friday, September 30, 2011

Our 'Brown-Eyed Girl'

 I'm dedicating this post to Erin's dog Patches. Erin picked Patches up from a shelter about a month ago and she's a perfect match for us.

Patches was very shy, scared, and sick when Erin first bought her, but once Patches was cleaned up, given medicine, and used to us, her distinct personality began to show.

Patches loves attention, chewing,  scrambled eggs, giving high-fives, and whining when she's happy.

She is having to learn how to be a pet, so we're training her to play and to be able to spend some time alone at the apartment. At the same time, we're having to learn how to be pet owners, but we would be so bored without her.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Erin and I moved into our apartment a couple weeks ago, and it is perfect for us! While we're still working on finding a place for all our stuff, our apartment is starting to look like people live in it. I'm looking forward to decorating the apartment in the next few months, especially my room. For now it's pretty simple, though.

My Room

Mine and Erin's comforters are similar, but our rooms will probably end up looking completely different.

Erin's Room

One of the challenges of having a roommate will be deciding how the apartment will look. We'll have to agree on how the kitchen and living room are set up.

The Kitchen

Something we won't have any trouble agreeing on is pets. Erin's dog, Patches, is already living with us, and I'll be getting a puppy soon.

Erin and Patches in the Living Room

We are really excited about living on our own, but reality is beginning to set in as we deal with things like jobs, potty-training dogs, and rent. We are thankful to all the people who have helped us out, especially those who brought us things we didn't even realize we needed.